Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'm gonna start school soon

I'm gonna start school in two more days.

And, I'm a little bit nervous and scared.

Why? I don't know.

I am going to be in first grade and I like the show CatDog.

And I am having a week without SpongeBob because I at least need some time away from SpongeBob.

Because I just need some time away from SpongeBob.


Wendster said...

ANNA MARIE HAS A NEW POST!!! My vigilance in returning over and over again has been rewarded with a post! YES!
So ... school is back in session? I hope you like your new teacher, and I hope your new teacher thinks you are the bomb. You seem like the kind of girl I would have LOVED to have in my class when I was teaching. Now I just stay home with my 'BABY' ... my baby who is four years old, about to turn FIVE ... and starting Kindergarten this year! Two more weeks. Here in Los Angeles we never start till after Labor Day weekend ... unless we are on year round, which our school is not.
And no Sponge Bob for a while?
Was that your idea or your Mom's I wonder?
But it's probably wise to ease up on TV shows and get ready for more reading and homework, yes? Also lots of good sleep so we can be "all that" at school.
Best wishes for a FABULOUS year. I hope to see some wonderful pictures of your school adventures ... and I hope to read more of your great posts. I hope I don't have to wait SIX months next time. I was so bummed/bored waiting for more posts from you.
That's enough out of me.
Wendy (Wendster)

Wendster said...

p.s. I hope you are not nervous or scared any more now that you have been to your first day of first grade.
You're so smart that you will be able to learn anything they have for you.

No worries girl!

(I used to TEACH first grade, and sometimes second and third grade ... so I KNOW what I'm talking about here.)

Anyone who can tell a story as well as you can has nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

I am sure you will be great.